Major Products & Area

  • Next Generation Social Infrastructure
  • Healthcare & Medical Business
  • Wellness

Our Strenghts

An agile operation that emphasizes agility and speed, systems that enable specialization in growth domains

We will pursue growth themes in domains that are expected to see explosive growth in the future and emphasize speed to engage in the creation of new business models.

Development and construction of new business models focusing on solving social/ customer issues regardless of the product verticals of existing businesses

By anticipating the future need for social infrastructure and technological foundations (e.g. blockchain and next generation batteries), we will be able to create new business models.

Systems that capable to aggregate the strengths of Marubeni

Through collaboration with the other business divisions, we will promote businesses that fully utilize all of Marubeni’s resources. By promoting horizontal expansion (entering new domains and linking them with existing ones), we will engage in the creation of new businesses.