
To support education and upbringing of future generation, Marubeni in Indonesia established Marubeni Scholarship Foundation in 1999 under the name of “Yayasan Beasiswa Marubeni” (“YBM”)

Sustainability Scholarship Funding
  • Foundation is a “Not-for-Profit” organization
  • At establishment, kick-off capital is provided by Marubeni
  • Capital is used to fund scholarship for students, and to also generate interest on unused capital
  • Unused capital is managed to generate more income which lead to more scholarship opportunities
  • Foundation was established in 1999, at a very difficult time following the Asia currency crisis
  • Funding is stable and sustainable, is not affected by corporate annual performance
  • The Foundation always holds a scholarship ceremony at each university at the beginning of each year with the aim of strengthening the relationship among Foundation, Universities, and Recipients.
  • Actively held small discussion with all recipients regarding their activities, plans, and Q&A session.
  • The Foundation actively communicates with the universities in relation to the recipients academic status and activities.
  • Maintain communication with the rector and the university to share information regarding foundation and university.